On the road to our “true selves”

Childhood Trauma disconnected me from my true self. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, my parents were not emotionally there for me, which caused me to react in unhealthy ways. These dysfunctional habits were my survival tools, which saved me at the time. Slowly, as I experienced neglect and abuse, I was driven further and further from my “true self”… my “true nature”.

Being my true self when I was little, would have gotten me hurt by the ones that were supposed to protect me. As a result of being raised in this toxic environment, I learned to become hyper diligent, (on guard) in order to feel safe.

As I grew older and went out in the world, I had no idea that dysfunction was driving me because that’s all I knew. I used my unhealthy ways to create a life that I hoped would make me happy, but unfortunately the trauma that was instilled in me when I was young, never went away. I didn’t know my traumatic experiences would be stuck in the cells of my body waiting to create havoc later on in life.

Loving myself wasn’t my natural go to because that’s not what I was shown”.

Getting on the road to healing our childhood trauma is the most loving thing we can do for ourselves. It has been my experience that although embarking upon this journey may not always feel easy or good, it has brought me to the beauty of my True Self… my True Nature.. which has by far been the most rewarding experience of my life. I hope you will join me on this courageous journey as we uncover and discover our True Selves!

