Express yourself with Color!
3 Week Workshop
Dates TBD
There are many ways to connect to ourselves, and Art is one way. In this workshop we we’ll explore connecting to ourselves through Art.
No experience necessary!
There's an inner artist with-in all of us, wanting to be nurtured, willingness is all that's needed.
We leave judgment behind as we nurture our inner being’s expression. Childlike expression is encouraged!
This workshop uses 3 sessions, each 2 hours, focusing on connecting to our self with Art.
Session One - Will be an orientation to this workshop. Sharing with an appropriate reading, check-in period as we get acquainted with one another, ending with one as well. All will participate in a guided meditation and discussion. We will talk about the different tools we’ll use in this workshop followed up with intentional assignments for the following sessions.
Session Two - We will explore and discuss different mediums, the feelings associated with color and texture, and re-connecting to our bodies through meditation. I will take everyone on a meditative journey that allows for creativity to emerge. We will express ourselves with color followed by a group discussion.
Session Three - We will use our medium of choice based on discussion from session one & two. Participants will be taken on another meditative journey that connects us to our bodies with the intention of being void of thought. As we return to our space from meditation - critical thoughts at bay - we are ready to connect our expression on to paper or canvas with either paint, colored pencils, crayons etc. Group discussion to follow as we observe and learn from what transpires!